October Kicks Off the Start of a New 4-H Year

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It is the start of a new 4-H program year. With our 20 community clubs in the county there are many opportunities for youth to engage in quality youth development programs through their club work. The main component of their club work revolves around project work.

There are over 35 project areas youth can chose from to increase their knowledge and skill level. Youth enrolled in community clubs will have the opportunity to take part in many of these projects, with the assistance of a project leader.

No matter what type of club you want to join it is easy to get started with a 4-H project by stopping by the Johnson County Extension office and picking up a project manual that will assist you in getting started. Below is a spotlight of four of our project areas.

Youth will learn to interpret verbal and nonverbal information, develop effective public speaking skills, enhance written and spoken communication, defend a point, or design a presentation.

4-H youth strive to bring the purpose and value of 4-H work to the attention of the general public in greater measures. 4-H members do so in one or more of these ways:

  • Talks,
  • Demonstrations,
  • Exhibits,
  • Radio and television,
  • Recruiting new members,
  • Panels and discussions,
  • Organizing new clubs and pays,
  • Skits and ceremonies.

Energy Management
Youth learn important general electrical concepts through the following:

  • Experiment with making a light switch, testing voltages and even build motors.
  • Study energy use, magnetism, electronics and transistors.
  • Learn how small engines work and how to keep them working or discover the power of the wind.
  • Learn about where the wind blows and how its power can be used for sailing, lifting, pumping water and creating electricity.

Youth learn how to:

  • Take horizontal and vertical pictures,
  • Hold and aim the camera,
  • Clean the camera,
  • Camera settings (adjustments),
  • Understand when and why different adjustments are used,
  • Take shots from different angles,
  • Use the "rule of thirds,"
  • Frame a subject or scene,
  • Use perspective and leading lines,
  • Mount photographs for display,
  • Record an event, activity or trip,
  • Take pictures that tell a story,
  • Use simple flash and
  • Make trick shots.

Most 4-H members use a digital camera. The camera may be a point and shoot (no or very few adjustments), semi-adjustable or fully-adjustable camera. The pictures may be of any subject the 4-H member wishes. Capture your friends and important events through photography. Learn about basic and advanced cameras and how to plan, compose, light and exhibit your photos. Advance into wide-angle and telephoto lenses, filters, light meters and computer enhancement.

Space Technology
This project will help young people learn how to build rockets and robots, and explore space through astronomy. There are also opportunities to learn more about GPS and GIS.

Youth in this project club experience the thrill of setting off rockets, developing robots, and geo-caching, and learn activities focused on these major concepts:

  • rockets,
  • flight,
  • careers,
  • navigation,
  • astronomy,
  • exploring
  • outer space,
  • hot air balloons,
  • kites,
  • airplanes, and
  • robotics.

These are just four of the many projects 4-H youth can get involved in. We are always looking for experts, hobbyists, teachers, and coaches for our projects. If you have a skill set you would like to share with our 4-H youth and families, the time commitment can be as little as 6 weeks or up to a full year.

The power to give back to your community through providing a quality youth development program will be well worth your time and energy. Please email joco4-h@jocogov.org. if you have any questions or would like to be part of this rewarding experience.