4-H Council

4-H clubs each have two 4-H youth representatives and two adult representatives that participate in this group. Meetings are held on Monday evenings of odd months for a total of six times a year. This group plans 4-H activities and events for the county, as well as forming a budget for County Council.

4-H Council Request for Funds Forms

T-Shirt Fundraiser - Shirts are $5 and can be purchased at the Extension Office.

4-h council t-shirt logo

Council Committee Responsibilities (PDF)

Any 4-H member may participate on a Johnson County 4-H Council Committee. Participation is not limited to only Council Representatives. Council Representatives are required to sign up and actively participate on two committees; one event planning and one review committee.

Event Planning Committees

  1. Achievement Celebration Committee - Responsibilities include planning the decorations and food for Achievement Celebration. Working to recruit script readers for the event. Also, setting up and cleaning up the day of Achievement Celebration. (September – November)
  2. Club Day Committee - Responsibilities include attending the Club Day planning meeting, held at the January Council Meeting. The day of Club Day, committee members will help set up and take down and help in the tally room. (December – March)
  3. Fair Concession Stand Committee - Responsibilities include working with the Food Stand Manager to help plan the menu, buying of supplies, helping with set up and clean up responsibilities. (March – August)
  4. Fashion Revue Committee - Responsibilities include working with the FCS Agent to plan Fashion Revue and help decorate. (April – August)
  5. Foods and Nutrition Committee - Responsibilities include working with the Foods and Nutrition Agent to help plan Food Fare, 4-H Cooking Day Camp, as well as help with foods judging at the County Fair. (January, June, August)
  6. Johnson County Youth for Agriculture (JCYA) - Responsibilities include coordinating and implementing educational programs and events pertaining to agriculture and/or livestock. JCYA focuses on youth education, career exploration and the development of youth confidence and effective communication through judging livestock. Committee members will assist the youth leadership during camps and activities throughout the year as well as meet regularly to inform others about upcoming and ongoing educational programs. (Year round)
  7. Project Fair and Officers Training Committee - Responsibilities include planning the Project Fair and Officers Training and recruiting volunteers to lead the different sessions. (September – October)
  8. Promotions/National 4-H Week Committee - Responsibilities include working with the local Tractor Supply Co. store during the spring and fall Paper Clover campaigns, scheduling countywide events during National 4-H Week and overall promotion of 4-H Youth Development programs throughout the year. (Year round)

Review Committees

  1. Budget Finance Committee - Responsibilities include creating the 4-H Council budget and keeping Council updated on finances. Closely work with the Extension office to get monthly reports completed. (Year round)
  2. County Wide Project & Scholarship Support - Responsibilities include reviewing requests to approve funds to support 4-H Camp, Livestock, Shooting Sports, and other countywide projects/scholarships and project start-ups. (Year round)
  3. Nomination Committee – Responsibilities include reviewing each club’s Organizational Report and reaching out to individuals in order to create a slate of capable candidates for all officer positions on the Johnson County 4-H County Council to be elected in November. (October-November)
  4. Policy Changes Committee - Responsibilities include reviewing the current policies and submitting any revisions for Council to approve. (Year round)
  5. Special Needs Committee - Responsibilities include providing help to 4-H families in need. (Year round)
  6. Trips and Awards Committee - Responsibilities include reviewing and revising the "Johnson County 4-H Award Procedures." (Year round)

Officer Position Summary: (Find detailed descriptions HERE)

  • President – Provide leadership at meetings and work with the Extension Office to send out the Agenda, Treasurer’s Report, and the minutes to the Council members 10 days before the Council meeting.
  • Vice President – Organize a program for every meeting.
  • Secretary – Submit a secretary book with minutes typed up and signed at every meeting and attendance roll call for each meeting.
  • Corresponding Secretary – Keep a Corresponding Secretary’s Book with record of at least 3 correspondence. The Book should contain copies of all letters sent and received.
  • Treasurer – Submit a treasurer’s book with bi-monthly bank statements and reports from the Extension Office. Have a signed Treasurer’s Report for every month.
  • Reporter – Submit a Reporter’s Book. Submit at least 4 reports to Extension Office to post on Facebook or Clover Clips. Submit to at least one other source. Articles do not need to be published, only submitted. Reporter’s Book must contain copies of all articles submitted and published.
  • Historian – Submit a Historian’s Book with at least 6 pages (3-double sided) of 4-H Council activities & events. If two 4-H’ers are applying for the pin, a total of 12 pages (6-double-sided) must be completed.
  • Parliamentarian –Submit a Parliamentarian’s Book. Prepare a monthly report to help the group learn/review a parliamentary procedure. Must give at least 5 reports during the 4-H year. To receive the pin, a copy of each report must be submitted in a book.

Important Links

Follow us on social media:
KSRE and 4-H Logo

Contact Us

Lexi Ray
4-H/Youth Development Agent

Cyla Gardner
4-H/Youth Development Agent

Nancy Carr
School Enrichment Coordinator

Christin Bartels
Office Professional